The free soul on the road
On the road all alone, wild and free in search until the end of earth for true love(s), for sex, for bread and nothing else.A niche small simple app for people with fire, with zest for life who want same things.An app for bums - bums with money and bums dirt poor, famous bums, infamous bums and bums unknown.
"but Dean just raced in society, eager for bread and love; he didn’t care one way or the other, “so long’s I can get that lil ole gal with that lil sumpin down there tween her legs, boy,” and “so long’s we can eat, son, y’ear me? I’m hungry, I’m starving, let’s eat right now!" Jack Kerouac “Anything is a waste of time unless you are fucking well or creating well or getting well or looming toward a kind of phantom-love-happiness.” Charles Bukowski
"but Dean just raced in society, eager for bread and love; he didn’t care one way or the other, “so long’s I can get that lil ole gal with that lil sumpin down there tween her legs, boy,” and “so long’s we can eat, son, y’ear me? I’m hungry, I’m starving, let’s eat right now!" Jack Kerouac “Anything is a waste of time unless you are fucking well or creating well or getting well or looming toward a kind of phantom-love-happiness.” Charles Bukowski
appetite, hills, adventurous, alone-n-free, appealing, apple-tree, April, August, autumn, babies, banana-tree, beauty, being-alone-a-lot, birds, blizzard, Bob-Dylan(the best since this universe-this is my man-looking-for-a-man-like-him), bum, Charles-Bukowski, cherry-tree, cool-people, cute, death, December, desire, divide-in-small-jobs=not-hard, doin-what-you-want, doing-nothing, doing-nothing-people=the-best-lovers, easy-way=the-healthy-way, emotional, exciting, fearless, February, feels-so-good, fields, fine-person, first-hand-experience, flowers, focused, following-my-heart, freedom, freedom-built-in-everything, fuckable, fun-loving, gentle, harmony, hot, hot-blooded, hunting, improvisation, insight, intensely-alive, Jack-Kerouac, January, joy, July, June, keeping-space, knowledge=freedom, leaves, lemon-tree, life=emotion, lightning, living-on-impulse, lone-wolve, loner, love, loving, luck, March, May, meditate-every-moment, mountains, no-clingy, no-crowd, no-enforced-school, no-fantasy, no-groups, no-limits, no-made-up-stuff, no-monogamy, no-news, no-societal-celebrations, no-talking, no-things-without-soul, no-thinking, no-time-for-doing-boring-so-so-things, no-TV, non-fear, nonattachment, November, October, orange-tree, peace, peach-tree, people-selecting/rejecting, people-who-feel-so-good, people-who-want-same-things, people-with-fire, personal-style, Picasso, pleasure, private, rain, rays-of-sunshine-make-you-happy, realistic, reality, sadness, seeing-same-people=boredom, sensitive + observant/aware = wise, sensitive-people=the-only-not-boring, sensual, sensual-living, September, sex, sex-appeal, shiny, snow, snowbells, somethin-new, soul, spontaneous, spring, stars, staying-with-sensitive-people, style, summer, sun, surrounded-by-beauty, surrounded-by-people-who-bring-joy, sweet-life, tangible, Thich-Nhat-Hanh, thrill, thunder, true-love, true-love=joy/balm/freedom/ease/being-totally-yourself, true-love=sameness-with-another-person(not with the crowd), understanding, useful, Van-Morrison, wilderness, winter, woodfire, zest-for-life,
Love,Cri ShackMarch 10, 2025
Love,Cri ShackMarch 10, 2025